Specialist physicians for brief phone consults

Virtual Hallway is a secure, physician-built platform (http://virtualhallway.ca) that easily facilitates scheduled and compensated phone call consults between primary care providers (GPs and NPs) and specialist physicians.

We are looking for 25 friendly and fully-qualified and licensed specialist physicians (GIM and subspecialists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, etc.) in Ontario to set aside anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours of availability (of their choice) per week on the VH platform.

Compensation will be approximately $200 per hour via OHIP codes. The Virtual Hallway platform does the billing for both sides and direct deposits funds monthly.

Our mission is to improve collegiality and to dramatically increase the efficiency in the consultation process, so that primary care providers can quickly get phone call support from a welcoming specialist for the ~50% of consultations that can be managed appropriately this way.

We are hoping to reduce waitlists for all of us for consults that actually require an office visit from the patient.

Please simply register at virtualhallway.ca and input some availability on the scheduler, and we will let primary care providers know that you're available.

Please call/text/email me to discuss PRN.

       Luke Napier MD FRCP (902-219-3362) or [email protected]